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YouTube Data API Overview

Calculating quota usage Google calculates your quota usage by assigning a cost to each request. Different types of operations have different quota costs. The part parameter cannot be used to filter nested properties from a response. Note that, in many cases, a resource contains references to other resources. You can find the quota available to your application in the. Some resources also support other methods that perform functions more specific to those resources. How to use the fields parameter The fields parameter filters the API response, which only contains the resource parts identified in the part parameter value, so that the response only includes a specific set of fields. The playlistItem resource also contains details that explain how the included resource is used in the playlist. A subscription notifies a user when new videos are added to a channel or when another user takes one of several actions on YouTube, such as uploading a video, rating a video, or commenting on a video. In practice, these rules often allow several different fields parameter values to retrieve the same API response. All API requests, including invalid requests, incur at least a one-point quota cost. A playlist is a collection of videos that can be viewed sequentially and shared with other users. Resources activity Contains information about an action that a particular user has taken on the YouTube site. The fields parameter lets you remove nested properties from an API response and thereby further reduce your bandwidth usage. Supported Operations list insert update delete activity caption channel channelBanner channelSection comment commentThread guideCategory i18nLanguage i18nRegion playlist playlistItem search result subscription thumbnail video videoCategory watermark Quota usage The YouTube Data API uses a quota to ensure that developers use the service as intended and do not create applications that unfairly reduce service quality or limit access for others. For example, the JavaScript client library supports ETags via a whitelist for allowed request headers that includes If-Match and If-None-Match. The Obj-C client, on the other hand, does not support ETags. The application language can also be referred to as a UI language. Operations that insert, update, or delete resources always require. When updating or deleting a resource, your application can specify the resource's ETag. Operations list Retrieves GET a list of zero or more resources. The content region can also be referred to as a content locale. With these rules in mind, you can estimate the number of requests that your application could send per day without exceeding your quota. The table below identifies the operations that are supported for different types of resources. The resource could be an entire feed or an item in that feed. You can see your quota usage on the page in the API Console. For example, a section could feature a channel's latest uploads, most popular uploads, or videos from one or more playlists. If the resource has not changed, the API returns an HTTP 304 response Not Modified , which indicates that the resource has not changed. The client libraries for Google APIs differ in their support of ETags. As another example, a search result contains either a videoId, playlistId, or channelId property that identifies a particular video, playlist, or channel resource. JSON is a common, language-independent data format that provides a simple text representation of arbitrary data structures. The table shows the quota cost of each API method. Note: If you reach the quota limit, you can request additional quota by completing the for YouTube API Services. As such, the part parameter requires you to select the resource components that your application actually uses. This approach also ensures that the API uses network, CPU, and memory resources more efficiently. The parameter identifies one or more top-level non-nested resource properties that should be included in an API response. Guide categories seek to organize channels in a way that makes it easier for YouTube users to find the content they're looking for. Over time, as resources add more parts, these benefits will only increase since your application will not be requesting newly introduced properties that it doesn't support. Resources and resource types A resource is an individual data entity with a unique identifier. The supports If-Match and If-None-Match HTTP request headers, thereby enabling ETags to work within the context of normal browser caching. While your application will need additional CPU time to uncompress API responses, the benefit of consuming fewer network resources usually outweighs that cost. Then, when your application requests a stored resource again, it specifies the ETag associated with that resource. The API currently supports methods to list each of the supported resource types, and it supports write operations for many resources as well. If the resource has changed, the API returns the modified resource and the ETag associated with that version of the resource. It explains basic concepts of YouTube and of the API itself. In some cases, list methods support both authorized and unauthorized requests, where unauthorized requests only retrieve public data while authorized requests can also retrieve information about or private to the currently authenticated user. User actions that are reported in activity feeds include rating a video, sharing a video, marking a video as a favorite, and posting a channel bulletin, among others. For example, a playlistItem resource's snippet. Using gzip You can also reduce the bandwidth needed for each API response by enabling gzip compression. The table below describes the different types of resources that you can interact with using the API. Default quota, which is subject to change, helps us optimize quota allocations and scale our infrastructure in a way that is more meaningful to our API users. In the list of APIs, make sure the status is ON for the YouTube Data API v3. Supported operations The following table shows the most common methods that the API supports. While channels could be associated with one or more guide categories, they are not guaranteed to be in any guide categories. The API supports two request parameters, which are explained in the following sections, that enable you to identify the resource properties that should be included in API responses. If the ETag doesn't match the most recent version of that resource, then the API request fails. For better readability, the examples in this document omit the encoding. The channel owner can also specify a target channel to which the image links as well as timing details that determine when the watermark appears during video playbacks and then length of time it is visible. Projects that enable the YouTube Data API have a default quota allocation of 10,000 units per day, an amount sufficient for the overwhelming majority of our API users. How to use the part parameter The part parameter is a required parameter for any API request that retrieves or returns a resource. It also provides an overview of the different functions that the API supports. Partial resources The API allows, and actually requires, the retrieval of partial resources so that applications avoid transferring, parsing, and storing unneeded data. Your application can reduce latency and bandwidth usage by serving cached resources in this manner. While a search result points to a uniquely identifiable resource, like a video, it does not have its own persistent data. The whitelist allows normal browser caching to occur so that if a resource's ETag has not changed, the resource can be served from the browser cache.。



YouTube、6月から広告強制表示になる? 広告非表示には有料プランの加入かチャンネルの成長が必要(篠原修司)


YouTube Data API Overview
