進撃 の 巨人 海外 人気 - 【海外の反応】ドイツで進撃の巨人の円盤売上が10万枚を突破!

巨人 人気 海外 の 進撃 NFLのスター選手、ジョーイ・ボサは熱狂的なアニメ・オタク 「『進撃の巨人』の新シーズンが楽しみ」(三尾圭)

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巨人 人気 海外 の 進撃 『進撃の巨人』の英訳者が明かす、世界的大ヒットの理由(コウ・レンソン)


巨人 人気 海外 の 進撃 アニメ『進撃の巨人』が海外で大ブーム! ツイッタートレンドを埋め尽くす事態に

NFLのスター選手、ジョーイ・ボサは熱狂的なアニメ・オタク 「『進撃の巨人』の新シーズンが楽しみ」(三尾圭)

巨人 人気 海外 の 進撃 アニメ『進撃の巨人』が海外で大ブーム! ツイッタートレンドを埋め尽くす事態に


巨人 人気 海外 の 進撃 快“進撃”続く『進撃の巨人』 海外アニヲタの反応、和訳してみた

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『進撃の巨人』主人公は人気ナシ? 外国人が選ぶ「一番ドキドキしたシーン」トップ10 (2021年2月21日)


I got tired of watching anime a while back. But with those come moments of epiphanies, speeches, and triumphs that show all may not be lost. The fan service and treatment of female characters in a lot of shows irritated me. I flipped the fuck out when that happened and texted my friend at 1 am about that episode! They did Dorohedoro last season, which was really good. Compelling characters: we admire, pity, or loathe them, but it's hard to be indifferent to their personalities and struggles. The characters know, without a doubt, that the likely outcome of their actions is death and defeat. If they don't do it, no one will and humanity will eventually fall. Yet, they constantly strive to be honorable and do the right thing, even if it means resorting to moral grayness at times. Keep in mind, up until this point, I had only seen the 'mainstream' shonen anime , , etc. I just saw one screenshot from the anime and I was like: " I need to this right now" P. I had no idea that AoT was so popular until I had finished watching the anime. They also did Kakegurui and Dororo as well. Extreme sense of danger: even very experienced, proficient soldiers aren't safe; looking back, we might say "no-one major died" though I disagree! Kind of a loose metaphor but it's interesting nonetheless. Its success is understandable, but that doesn't make it the best anime ever. Now they are doing Shingeki no Kyojin in 2020. You can almost feel the terror that the characters are going through. This is no typical shonen manga where good guys rarely die, are invincible and battles are won against all odds with minimum casualties. The danger hits that sweet spot: serious enough to keep us guessing, but not so horrendous as to completely rob us of hope. The fact that so many characters died, made me realize this was a shonen that was just more mature, and willing to not always let the win. What makes Attack on Titan so successful and appealing? Exciting combat: 3DMG is unspeakably cool. He's a hotheaded, passionate kid with no talents whatsoever. I think that's the single biggest element for me. Yuuichirou Hayashi, the director of Dorohedoro is going to direct the final season. The titans Isayama created are so perfect with their appearance and demeanor. If someone gave you the task of creating a new type of monster, could you come up with something with enough potential for storytelling as zombies, ghosts, aliens, etc? I had not seen much anime before , but I had never seen one so dark and gruesome. Here the villains win more often than not and every rare victory for the protagonists costs them dearly so that they can't even celebrate. There's also the sense of mystery and adventure at all the secrets of the titans and the Walls and the tantalizing revelations that come out at the end of each arc. When I started looking into AoT and discovered how well the female characters are treated by the author, I was instantly drawn to and find out more. The enemy is truly terrifying.。





快“進撃”続く『進撃の巨人』 海外アニヲタの反応、和訳してみた


快“進撃”続く『進撃の巨人』 海外アニヲタの反応、和訳してみた

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